Friday, September 30, 2011

Windows 7 64bit Network Freezing

So, had a issue where my laptop which is running windows 7 64bit and the network was freezing copying large files.

On the laptop
  • ipv4/ipv6
  • virutalbox
  • citrix access gateway plugin
The symptoms were large copies were freezing with 0kb/s

removed virutalbox and able to copy files again.
If i get time to investigate then look into if issue between CAG plugin and Virutalbox.


so the problem came back for some reason, also seems my virtualbox didn't uninstall correctly.

1. only did part..

a. Running as Administrator in Command Prompt, type: "netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled"
b. Next, follow the instructions that Amrita wrote above.
                  First enter: "netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled" and reboot.

2. mucked around with the settings in intel network card properties (latest driver)