Sunday, October 28, 2012

Updated MP4 to MP3 Script

Wanted to add some metadata to the mp3 I created from mp4s.
so. But for some reason yet to be investigated windows 8 cant seem to find my metadata.
VLC is happy.

REM FORMAT REQ <name-nospace><space><minus><space><songname><.mp4ext>
REM EG 'coolkids - i like to rock.mp4'
for /f "tokens=1,* delims=-" %%a in ('dir *.mp4 /b') do (call :makemusic %%a "%%b")
goto :eof

set str=%2%
set artist=%1%
REM %str:~2,-5% is used to strip the quotemarks and filename
set title=%str:~2,-5%

G:\music\ffmpeg.exe -i "%1 - %title%.mp4" -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192000 -f mp3 -metadata title="%title%" -metadata artist="%artist%" "%1 - %title%.mp3"
REM <need command that will allow normalise the sound levels> :eof

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Chrome shockwave flash Plugin Not Responding

As per
love the known issues !
been getting issue at home and work where it would not respond. @#$@#$
so I have switch over to the system version of flash. (do at ur own risk !)

if you are missing the extra flash (ie only see the pepperflash)
need to download the opera\firefox version of flash

  1. Do you have a different operating system or browser?
  2. Step 1 - choose Windows...
  3. Step 2 - choose Flash Player for Other Browsers
  4. download install,etc
  5. then enable it in chrome://plugins as above