Saturday, January 25, 2014

Updated the theme causing issue with xml in blogger

Changed the theme because I can,
forgot to check my customisation that I put in before
google's code says use

<script src=""></script>

which causes a xml error where the delimiter ; is missing

& to &amp;

<pre><script src=";skin=sunburst"></script>

sigh.. 40 mins lost

Comparing AD object security

$tango=(Get-Acl "AD:$((Get-ADUser tango).distinguishedname)").access | select identityreference, accesscontroltype
$cash=(Get-Acl "AD:$((Get-ADUser cash).distinguishedname)").access | select identityreference, accesscontroltype
compare $tango $cash
still couldn't get to root cause of the issue.(automated system cant update account)

Getting your Apple USB Ethernet Adapter to work on your Windows 8 64-bit computer

  1. Goto
  2. support/downloads
  3. Family "USB 2.0 to Fast Ethernet"
  4. Product "AX88772A"
  5. Download the windows 8.0 / 8.1 driver
  6. In device manager choose update driver for the 'Apple USB Ethernet'
  7. follow the 'Have Disk' method to the driver
  8. choose the 'ASIX AX88772A....' driver
  9. enjoy your internetz

Sort\Move files based on first letter

# Sort Files based on first letter
# Issue : anything starting with "the" can cause the Q-Z to fill up
# comment out if not required
$thefiles=Get-ChildItem $path -af the*.* -recurse -exclude *.txt,*.jpg,*.nfo
foreach($file in $thefiles){
ren $file ($file.Name).Substring(4)
Get-ChildItem $path -af -recurse -exclude *.txt,*.jpg,*.nfo,*.xml | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "^[a-e]"} | ForEach-Object {move $_.fullname P:\sorted\A-E}
Get-ChildItem $path -af -recurse -exclude *.txt,*.jpg,*.nfo,*.xml | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "^[f-k]"} | ForEach-Object {move $_.fullname P:\sorted\F-K}
Get-ChildItem $path -af -recurse -exclude *.txt,*.jpg,*.nfo,*.xml | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "^[l-p]"} | ForEach-Object {move $_.fullname P:\sorted\L-P}
Get-ChildItem $path -af -recurse -exclude *.txt,*.jpg,*.nfo,*.xml | Where-Object {$_.Name -match "^[Q-Z]"} | ForEach-Object {move $_.fullname P:\sorted\Q-Z}