On the laptop
- ipv4/ipv6
- virutalbox
- citrix access gateway plugin
The symptoms were large copies were freezing with 0kb/s
removed virutalbox and able to copy files again.
If i get time to investigate then look into if issue between CAG plugin and Virutalbox.
so the problem came back for some reason, also seems my virtualbox didn't uninstall correctly.
so the problem came back for some reason, also seems my virtualbox didn't uninstall correctly.
1. only did part..
a. Running as Administrator in Command Prompt, type:
"netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled"
b. Next, follow the instructions that Amrita wrote above.
enter: "netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled" and
2. mucked around with the settings in intel network card
properties (latest driver)
I noticed that Whilst my copy was showing as 0b/s and looked to have frozen my machine, when i checked the second device my data had actually started transferring...?
Hey Ninja!
We recently had an issue with a Win 2008 R2 VM Server sitting on a Win 2008 R2 Core Server. win 7 machines on the LAN could not copy up to the server. the 1 constant was that you couldn't push the data to the server but if you jumped onto the server and pulled the data the copy would succeed.
After trying and configuring Network settings on both the server and the win 7 machines.
we tried
-disabling anti virus
-disabling firewalls
-configuring different Teaming protocols
-Network team configured different teaming protocols
-different network ports
-different cables
-different pc's
Then we tried building a 2003 64bit vm on the Core and everything worked perfectly.
i followed these steps.... on this website
Run "regedit" on Windows Server 2008 based computer.
Expand and locate the sub tree as follows.
Add a new REG_DWORD key with the name of "Smb2" (without quotation mark)
Value name: Smb2
Value type: REG_DWORD
0 = disabled
1 = enabled
Set the value to 0 to disable SMB 2.0, or set it to 1 to re-enable SMB 2.0.
Reboot the server.
I tested this and it worked with SM2 Disabled. I had also pushed my transfer speeds from 200kb to 1-2mb...
At this point i edited the Above key but i forced SMB2 to be on and i my speeds went up to 60-70Mb and has not failed as yet.
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