Friday, June 29, 2012

Machine Password

Text file with list of servers WindowsServers.txt

Grab the data

$CAITInfo = Get-Content .\CAITWindowsServers.txt | Foreach {get-adcomputer $_ -properties PasswordLastSet}

Filter and display
$CAITInfo | Sort-Object -descending PasswordLastSet | FT -property DNSHostname,PasswordLastSet

Grab Older than 30 days... which means either problem? or machine password not updating..
$CAITInfo | Sort-Object -descending PasswordLastSet|Where { $_.PasswordLastSet -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)} |
FT -property DNSHostname,PasswordLastSet

To force a PC\server to reset machine password to AD (where not a DC)
nltest.exe /sc_change_pwd:lc.local

wonder if I can do that via powershell :)

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