Tuesday, April 21, 2015

removing windows 2012 data deduplication volume

thanks to nickwhittome.com/2014/10/01/disabling-data-deduplication-on-windows-server-2012r2

#The unoptimise command
start-dedupjob -Volume E:   -Type Unoptimization
#Check the status


#Clean up the Garbage
start-dedupjob -Volume
E: -Type GarbageCollection
#Check the status

Disable-DedupVolume -Volume E:

Adobe Reader 10 - Access Denied opening PDF - solved

Some Operational team members moved some data to a Windows 2012 R2 server.
The Citrix Environment is currently in a 'change freeze' and was running of adobe readerX.

When a pdf was opened from network share "access denied"
It could be fixed by untick protected mode.. but then we are unprotected right.

Note: Upgrading the Adobe reader also fixed this issue but 'Change Freeze'


Root Cause : Citrix version of Adobe Reader PDF is not trusting any de-duplicated pdf files as they have been “modified”

Process to replicate

  1. robocopy  "E:\Data\Group" E:\temp   *.pdf /s  /move
  2. robocopy   "E:\temp" "E:\Data\Group"   E *.pdf /s /move
  3. [pdf file attribute was A]
  4. Forced Dedup Job - Start-DedupJob E: -Type Optimization 
    (note our server was set to MinimumFileAgeDays 0)
  5. [pdf file attribute was APL]

so either

Set-DedupVolume –Volume E: -ExcludeFiletype pdf
 Just disabled dedup on this volume.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Active Directory ProxyAddress Email Addresses SMTP Extract with powershell

Bit of fun with extracting SMTP secondary addresses from user account.

$user=get-aduser testuser -prop,proxyAddresses

$user|select samaccountname,@{Name=”AdditionalAddresses”;Expression={($_.proxyAddresses| Foreach-object {$_.split([environment]::NewLine)} | Where-Object {$_ -match “smtp”} | ForEach-Object {$_.substring(5)}) -join "|"}}


#Export Detailed AD Membership info
#dump a full member list text file only once per day

$outputfile = $savepath + "\" + $dayofweek + "_theuserlist.xlsx"
del $outputfile
$allpandas = get-aduser -filter {extensionattribute5 -eq "Pandas"}  -Properties displayname,title,company,department,lastlogondate,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,proxyAddresses,EmailAddress
$allpandas = $allpandas|select samaccountname,givenname,surname,displayname,title,company,department,UserPrincipalName,physicalDeliveryOfficeName,lastlogondate,EmailAddress,@{Name=”AdditionalAddresses”;Expression={($_.proxyAddresses| Foreach-object {$_.split([environment]::NewLine)} | Where-Object {$_ -match “smtp”} | ForEach-Object {$_.substring(5)}) -join "|"}}
$allpandas | C:\scripts\Export-XLSX.ps1 -Path $outputfile -WorkSheetName 'pandas'