Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Adobe Reader 10 - Access Denied opening PDF - solved

Some Operational team members moved some data to a Windows 2012 R2 server.
The Citrix Environment is currently in a 'change freeze' and was running of adobe readerX.

When a pdf was opened from network share "access denied"
It could be fixed by untick protected mode.. but then we are unprotected right.

Note: Upgrading the Adobe reader also fixed this issue but 'Change Freeze'


Root Cause : Citrix version of Adobe Reader PDF is not trusting any de-duplicated pdf files as they have been “modified”

Process to replicate

  1. robocopy  "E:\Data\Group" E:\temp   *.pdf /s  /move
  2. robocopy   "E:\temp" "E:\Data\Group"   E *.pdf /s /move
  3. [pdf file attribute was A]
  4. Forced Dedup Job - Start-DedupJob E: -Type Optimization 
    (note our server was set to MinimumFileAgeDays 0)
  5. [pdf file attribute was APL]

so either

Set-DedupVolume –Volume E: -ExcludeFiletype pdf
 Just disabled dedup on this volume.


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